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Improvement of the Boeing 737 airworthiness system based on the implementation of European aviation regulations

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

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Title Improvement of the Boeing 737 airworthiness system based on the implementation of European aviation regulations
Creator Kolpakov, Oleksandr
Subject safe
civil aviation
дипломна робота
Description Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ" . Керівник проекту: доцент, к. т. н. Хімко Андрій Миколайович.
One of the fundamental things in the aviation industry is airworthiness.
Airworthiness is a characteristic of an aircraft, which is ensured by the principles
envisaged and implemented in its design and performance parameters and allows a
safe flight to be carried out under the expected conditions and with established
operating methods. The expected operating conditions include the range of design
conditions defined by the airworthiness standards, as well as the operating limits and
recommended flight conditions established for a given aircraft type at the time of
certification. Continuing airworthiness of aircraft - one of the most important factors
of safety in civil aviation and the efficiency of the air transport industry today.
This paper will analyze the use of the airline's Boeing 737 fleet, analyze the
reliability system and the maintenance program. Also, the work will pay attention to
the analysis of regulatory documents that regulate the activities of organizations for
maintenance and Continuing airworthiness. Innovative paperless manufacturing
methods are proposed as suggestions for improving the airworthiness system. The
issue of improving the system of training professional personnel in this area is also
raised, based on the introduction of European aviation regulations.
Date 2021-02-25T11:41:03Z
Type Learning Object
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher National Aviation University

Технічна підтримка: НДІІТТ НАУ