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Науково-теоретичний і методичний аспекти формування перекладацької компетентності студентів

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

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Title Науково-теоретичний і методичний аспекти формування перекладацької компетентності студентів
Creator Рудіна, Марина Володимирівна
Subject translation competence
methodological aspect
trends in students’ education
innovative educational technologies
standards of translation profession
Description The article shows scientific-theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of translation competence of the students of philology as the future specialists, an attention is paid to a wide range of domestic and foreign approaches, it is investigated a wide range of modern viewpoints to the methodological aspect and the usage of modern information technologies and methods which facilitate personal students’ motivation to acquire translation as the greatest demand on the labour market.
Ukrainian students focus on the most common challenges arising in the process of learning English for the future professional activity. They need to achieve general competences. The most important of them is communicative language competence, which includes such components as linguistic component – lexical, phonological, syntactical knowledge and skills, sociolinguistic component, pragmatic component – knowledge, existential competence and skills and know- how relating to linguistic system and its sociolinguistic variation. These statements argument the importance of foreign communicative competence. It is important for student to get the knowledge in sense of self-actualization, the ability of self-reflection while studying. Critical thinking is also important. It allows evaluating and correcting the studying process; interpretative culture helps to find and show your own thoughts and get an ability to study in a system of intersubjective relations. Learning foreign languages is a personal necessity. Successful foreign communication is not only a desire to contact but also the ability to communicate successfully, especially in professional discourse.
Scientific-theoretical aspect is the basis of methodological approaches to the formation of translation competence of the students of philology as the future specialists. Methodological aspect is corrected by the fast development of information technologies, innovative methods, wide students’ self-access to knowledge and needs of the customer of the translation service. A wide range of the scientific viewpoints to the development of modern technologies and methodologies and their results can be proved or disapproved over time.
Date 2019-06-21T12:16:05Z
Type Article
Identifier 2308 - 4863
Relation Випуск 19;
Format application/pdf
Publisher Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка. Видавничий дім "Гельветика"

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