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Usage of aviation simulator in a process of ATS officers training.

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

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Title Usage of aviation simulator in a process of ATS officers training.
Creator Subbotin, Serhii Vitaliyovich
Subject дипломна робота
air traffic control officer
atco training simulator
voice com module integration
Description Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат 2019-2020р.р. навчальному році" . Керівник проекту: доцент, Богуненко Микола Миколайович
It is well known that simulator training plays a huge role in a process of aviation personnel training. Simulator training might compete in approximately 20 percent of whole time spent on education and training of ATCO student. Pilots may spend up to 40 percent of educational time on simulator training.
Here comes the vitality of proper simulator education. It allows to gain some critical for aviation personnel skills and abilities. For ATCO simulator training is much closer to real job than even pilots flight simulator. The working place of ATCO is equipped as close to real as it possible due to technical progress. Current ATCO working place is almost fully computer-based. This means that the hardware on a workplace of CTA TMA control unit looks just like a modular or complex training simulator with an only difference – voice communication module. In a software-based device these modules are always neglected the developers. Even if such module is presented in simulators software it is usually low functional.
Anyway, talking about voice communication module is almost always referred to device-based unit as radio panel in 70 percent of cases is presented in its classic layout with knobs and buttons, while only in brand new VHF/HF radio stations are presented as a part of automated air traffic control system or as a standalone touch screen.
From all above mentioned it came clear that the necessity of standalone VHF/HF radio communication simulator for student ATCOs studying is desperately high, not only for the external layout but for the correct usage of push to talk button of manual frequency switching.
The aim of this graduate thesis is to investigate the nowadays market of ATCO simulators in order to confirm the absence or incompatibility of these modules to gain real radio skills. The second aim is to develop simple, standalone, analogue and device-based radio communication simulator in order to satisfy training center needs.
Date 2020-03-23T10:03:23Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Publisher Національний авіаційний університет.

Технічна підтримка: НДІІТТ НАУ