Comic Means Translation in Feature Films
Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету
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Title |
Comic Means Translation in Feature Films
Creator |
Yuliia, Pletenetska
Subject |
the comic
comic means transformations linguistic intensifiers |
Description |
Ament, Ernest and Ross Scaife. 2004. “A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples.” Lexington: University of Kentucky, Wayne State University. Accessed September 18, 2018. [ terms]. Big Momma’s House. Directed by R. Gosnell. Regency Enterprises, Runteldat Entertainment, Friendly Productions and Taurus Films, 2000. 98 min. Chornovol-Tkachenko, Olha. 2010. “Evolutsiia ta klasyfikatsiia pidhodivdo vyvchennia humoru u politychnomu dyskursi.” Visnyk Kharkivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina 928, 75–79. Dim Velykoi Matusi. Directed by R. Gosnell. Translated by Studia “1+1”. Regency Enterprises, Runteldat Entertainment, Friendly Productions and Taurus Films, 2000. 98 min. Doctor Dolitle. Directed by B. Thomas. Davis Entertainment, Friendly Films, 1998. 85 min. Doktor Dulitl. Directed by B. Thomas. Davis Entertainment, Friendly Films,1998. 85 min. Kharchenko, Оleh. 2010a. Amerykanskyj dyskurs komichnogo (na materiali komedijnyh filmiv khudozhnih ta publitsystychnyh tvoriv XX and XXI storich). Kyiv: Stal’. Kharchenko, Oleh. 2010b. “Videoverbalnyj dyskurs komichnogo u komunikatyvnomu prostori SSHA.” Movni I kontseptual’ni kartyny svitu 29, 335–343. Krikmann, Arvo. 2006. “Contemporary Linguistic Theories of Humour.” Folklore 33, 27–57. doi: 10.7592/FEJF2006.33.kriku. Ostrovska, Alla. 2007. “Komichne yak estetychna kategoriia.” Donetskyj visnyk Naukovogo tovarystva imeni Shevchenka. 17, 164–176. Serija: Philologichni nauky 3, 171–173. Selivanova, Olena. 2010. Lingvistychna entsyklopediya. Poltava: Dovkillya-K, 209–210. Shukalo, Iryna. 2013. “Spetsyfika perekladu komichnogo u kinodyskursi.” Naukovi zapysky Nizhyns’kogo derzhavnogo universytetu imeni M. Gogolia. Serija: Philologichni nauky 3, 171–173. The chapter considers the division of comic means in film discourse into transformations and intensifiers of the comic. The use of transformation of the comic creates the deviation from linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic norm or simultaneous actualization of norm and antinorm (antiphrasis as a kind of irony), or two norms (puns or double entendre) that reveal contrast, results in conflict between implicit and explicit plan of the joke, story or other form of comic discourse, turning the serious norm into profanation or carnival and unexpected funny closing. Linguistic intensifiers of the comic imply the secondary means of creating comic effect that often, however, not always act as emotional triggers and enhance the comic perception of the joke. The study also considers three levels where the comic is verbalized: lexical, stylistic and discursive in the comedies Big Momma’s House and Dr. Dolittle as well as the problem of translatability of comic means in general and in the mentioned films in particular. It emphasizes the principles to which Ukrainian translators resort to achieve the adequacy of translation. the University of Rzeszow, Pletenetska Yuliia |
Date |
2020-04-13T05:54:33Z 2020 |
Type |
Book chapter
Identifier |
Yuliia Pletenetska Comic Means Translation in Feature Films. Translation Today: National Identity in Focus / edited by Michal Organ. - Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH, 2020.Volume 24. - P. 153-161
978-3-631-79286-5 (Print) 2364-7558 10.3726/b15753 |
Language |
Format |
application/pdf |
Publisher |
Peter Lang GmbH