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Development and modernization of the legal systems of eastern Europe: experience of Poland and prospects of Ukraine

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

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Title Development and modernization of the legal systems of eastern Europe: experience of Poland and prospects of Ukraine
Creator Guliyev, Arif
Kelbas, Nina
Vasylchenko, O.P.
Golubieva, V.O.
Description The exploration of the complex of causes and conditions conducive to
terrorism are often being overlooked. In other words, outside laws’ active
influence is the issue of determinism and determinants. The ignorance or
concealment of the deterministic mechanism of terrorism, its nature and
essence might result in the incorrect and counter-productive formation of
norms or distortion in the object of regulation of law. This article is devoted
to justification the application of determinism into law and the formation of
a pioneering deterministic approach that is completely grounded on the
analysis of determinism and determinants of terrorism. It creates a basis for
discovering how the evaluation of terrorism via the «determinism»
comprehension can serve as a powerful instrument towards the improvement
and optimization of law-making (in terms of effectiveness) in the area of
anti-terrorism Law at the International and EU, domestic levels. The
findings will have both theoretical and practical aspects. It offers a
profound analysis of the specificity of terrorism deterministic mechanism.
The criteria for the international legal evaluation of terrorism and its
objectivity and adequacy/clarity will be elaborated in order to avoid norms
distortion and eclecticism. The clarity of legal provisions provides us with
an opportunity to influence the determinants of terrorism at an International
and EU Law levels and vice versa: the enhanced Law will be capable of
regulating it and with the prospect of eradicating the incentives of terrorism.
Hence, the innovative approach covering both the advancement in the lawmaking
phase and its efficient enforcement in International and domestic
law that is the most fundamental contributions in the field. Thus, this is a
pioneering study of terrorism through the «prism» of determinism with the
practical application of its results into International as well as EU Law.
Date 2017-11-28T19:07:56Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Relation Vol.3;
Format application/pdf
Publisher Baltija Publishing

Технічна підтримка: НДІІТТ НАУ