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Hybrid combined relative pseudo-entropy

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

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Title Hybrid combined relative pseudo-entropy
Creator Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich
Subject aircraft
Description The principle called SEMP is mathematically similar to the well-known Jaynes’ maximum principle from theoretical physics.
However in human factor accounting, subjective analysis of active systems operates with a substance of the psychic nature. The approach, using the technique, can be successfully applied to the engineering problems of the various classes of the moving objects and transportation effectiveness and safety of different types of transportation.
In actual fact, the utility of the approach has been demonstrated so many times applicably to the transport systems operation and maintenance; and not only.
Human factor is undoubtedly important. Subjective analysis theory broadens the horizons of the human acted systems investigations. Such systems, which include a human, are considered to be active systems and their behavior is strictly subordinated to the postulated optimality formulated in the view of the subjective entropy maximum principle.
Date 2019-09-25T10:58:09Z
Type Article
Identifier Goncharenko A. V. Hybrid combined relative pseudo-entropy / A. V. Goncharenko // NAU Electronic Repository. - 2019. – 8 p.
Language en
Format application/msword
Publisher National Aviation University

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