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Spectral manifestations of the small-scale magnetic field inhomogeneity in solar flare on 25 October 2003

Вісник астрономічної школи

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Title Spectral manifestations of the small-scale magnetic field inhomogeneity in solar flare on 25 October 2003
Creator Osika O.B.
Lozits’ky V.G.
Date 2004
Source Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, P. 198-206
Language uk
Description We present the results of investigation of the M1.8/2N solar flare on 25 October 2003 which has been arised in active region NOAA 10484. Two spectral lines of FeI, 630.15 and 630.25 nm, were investigated to diagnose the small-scale magnetic field structures. It was found that measured averaged longitudinal magnetic field Вk in FeI 630.25 line exceeds similar field in FeI 630.15 for flare region whereas for non-flare places these fields were practically the same. So long as these line shave practically the same hights of formation and temperature sensitivities but different Lande factors, this effect is a evidence to the spatially unresolved magnetic field structure with true magnetic strengths more than 100 mT. Detailed study of the Stokes I ±V profiles bisectors shown that their shape do not corresponds the case of a homogeneous field. The minimum of bisector splitting В was found for reduced distances from line center λn =17–21 pm, that indicates the existence the small-scale magnetic field of opposite polarity with strength of B =490±50mT. Likely, occuring of such much strong fields in this active region causes the violent energy process in form of solar flare.
Publisher National Aviation University
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